Friday, November 13, 2009

The almost mustache

We've reached the end of mustache week, folks. I recently shaved the GG so that only stubble remains, but not before taking some pictures for your enjoyment.

I know what you're thinking, that this looks like the picture of a man who's no longer excited about having odd facial hair! Oh yeah? Then how do you explain these pictures?

I was nothing less than thrilled to have facial hair that doesn't quite constitute a mustache. Surprisingly, the general consensus among friends is that the standard mustache was creepier than the GG. It took people a few looks before they realized what, exactly, the GG was. For the record, it's two ends of a standard 'stache without the middle.

This isn't the end of the blog. Expect a final post with my freshly shaven face and reflections on my beard shenanigans. Also, you never know, I may open up the voting again soon...

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Mustache Week...Continues!

I'm back!

There's been a substantial delay in blog updates because of a halt to mustache week. See, my costume for Halloween was a 70s tennis player, complete with wooden racquet and short, white shorts. The package wouldn't have been complete without a nice, thick mustache. Sadly, mustache week became a casualty of historical accuracy. Once I have a nice pic of my costume, I'll post it here and I think you'll all agree that delaying my beard shenanigans was the right choice.

In the meantime, here are some standard pics of me rocking the 'stache.

"Right back 'atcha!"

"What the hell is that up on the wall?"

Now, my jack o' lantern is headed to the trash, the candy is all eaten and the short shorts have been put into storage until they're needed again. Since Halloween is past, mustache week will resume. Stay tuned for pics of the GG!