Continue casting votes using the e-poll to the right!
Beard Day, the day of shaving has been chosen. This Monday, Monday, Monday is when razor will meet beard. Alcohol will be provided and the committee will convene to determine the beard schedule for the next month. My facial hair fate is in their hands and yours.
In addition to declaring Monday, Sep 21st B-Day, I'd like to take this opportunity to address some frequently asked questions.
1. What if there's a problem with the sequence of beards from the poll? You can't very well go from the Artist into the Hulihee, now can you?
It's true, only a miracle would allow me to transition from certain styles to others. That's why it will be the duty of the drunken committee to account for sequence. Alcohol will surely help them make pointed, logical decisions.
On B-Day, the poll results will be taken into account by the committee but they are ultimately responsible for providing a realistic beard schedule.
2. Do you have the tools and talent to tackle the Artist? Do you have the wax to create a proper Handlebar Mustache?
Sadly, I've never achieved my lifelong dream of becoming a trained and certified barber. Nor do I have a natural ability for beard maintenance. If anything, I'd place myself solidly in the 50th percentile of men when it comes to beard grooming skills.
I never said that following a popular beard schedule would be easy. It may mean purchasing a beard trimmer and searching the interwebs for advice on facial hair waxes, combs and shaving techniques. This is all part of the challenge that I'm willing to take on in order to satisfy the will of the people.
3. Who put you up to this?
This was my own idea. Seriously.
Keep voting and get ready for pics and videos to accompany the upcoming shaving shenanigans.
Monday, September 21st IS B-DAY!